sexta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2018

Butterscotch Milkshake

Today's recipe is really simple: Butterscotch Milkshake.
For one milkshake you will need:
- 2 tbsp of butterscotch sauce (recipe below if you need it)
- 200 ml. of cold milk

Put the milk in a glass, add the butterscotch sauce and mix it in very well until the sauce is completely dissolved in the milk. Enjoy!

Recipe for butterscotch sauce. You will need:
- a sauce pan
- a heat proof spatula
- a whisk
- 1 cup of sugar
- 6 tbsp of butter
- 1/2 cup of cream
- pinch of salt

In a sauce pan put the sugar and take it to the stove on medium heat and, with the spatula, keep stirring it until the sugar is completely dissolved and turns to a lovely amber color. Be careful not to let it burn so, if necessary, reduce the heat. Switch the spatula to the whisk. Whisk in the butter, a tbsp at a time, until it melts completely. Be careful 'cause it may splash a bit.
After the butter is melted, add in the cream, very slowly and carefully because this will bubble fiercely and it may splash again and burn you!
Keep whisking it for another minute, turn of the heat, add in the salt, whisk it in to melt and let it cool completely before transferring it to a jar (with a lid) or before using. It will thicken up a bit after cooled. Store in the fridge.

*This image was taken from and belongs to Neopets.

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